David Sullivan

Professional Experience


 Manufacturing & Service Engineer

IPG Photonics

March 2023 - Present


Manufacturing & Service Engineer

Union Biometrica, Inc.

August 2021 - January 2023

  • Calibrated and conducted final testing on instruments to achieve CV’s of < 5% for all data points.

  • Maintained service, instrument, and user manuals for all instruments and implemented improvements.

  • Collaborated with engineers to identify, analyze, and test engineering upgrades using SolidWorks, formulated prototype testing protocols, and implemented revisions to engineering documentation.

  • Communicated with customers to troubleshoot, diagnose, and promptly resolve problems.

  • Traveled to customer sites nationally & internationally as necessary to install, repair, or perform preventative maintenance on instruments and ensure proper functioning.


Biomedical Engineer Intern

The Cleveland Clinic & Case Western Reserve University BME Alliance

June - August 2020

  • Collaborated with four colleagues to conduct customer outreach & design a COVID-19 face shield.

  • Created a 3D SolidWorks model of Face Shield 180, providing 180-degree viral particle protection.


Research Assistant

Dr. Cullinan’s Nanoscale Design & Manufacturing Lab (NDML)

September 2018 - May 2020

  • Designed a graphene MEMS device to measure breath acetone level with ppm (0.0001%) specificity.

  • Modified SolidWorks design and 3D printed prototype for use as a marketing model.

  • Researched & purchased necessary parts to assemble a functional prototype with 0.1% specificity.

  • Identified & analyzed potential damping conditions in MATLAB to increase device sensitivity by 20%.

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Research Assistant

Dr. Ross’s Biological & Soft Matter Research Lab

June - August 2018

  • Developed MATLAB code to measure the movement of microtubules (MT) with 0.1% accuracy.

  • Produced code in R which identified that high-salt MTs are 200% more flexible than low-salt MTs.

Biomedical Design Engineer Mentee

Depuy Synthes Spine, Inc. - A Johnson & Johnson Company

September 2015 - May 2016

  • Created and designed new devices and modifications to current devices on various CAD systems.

  • Collaborated with test engineers to evaluate product safety under various conditions in AutoCAD.

  • Corresponded with the FDA weekly to ensure devices met regulatory requirements.
