Manufacturing & Service Engineer
IPG Photonics
March 2023 - Present
Manufacturing & Service Engineer
Union Biometrica, Inc.
August 2021 - January 2023
Calibrated and conducted final testing on instruments to achieve CV’s of < 5% for all data points.
Maintained service, instrument, and user manuals for all instruments and implemented improvements.
Collaborated with engineers to identify, analyze, and test engineering upgrades using SolidWorks, formulated prototype testing protocols, and implemented revisions to engineering documentation.
Communicated with customers to troubleshoot, diagnose, and promptly resolve problems.
Traveled to customer sites nationally & internationally as necessary to install, repair, or perform preventative maintenance on instruments and ensure proper functioning.
Biomedical Engineer Intern
The Cleveland Clinic & Case Western Reserve University BME Alliance
June - August 2020
Collaborated with four colleagues to conduct customer outreach & design a COVID-19 face shield.
Created a 3D SolidWorks model of Face Shield 180, providing 180-degree viral particle protection.
Research Assistant
Dr. Cullinan’s Nanoscale Design & Manufacturing Lab (NDML)
September 2018 - May 2020
Designed a graphene MEMS device to measure breath acetone level with ppm (0.0001%) specificity.
Modified SolidWorks design and 3D printed prototype for use as a marketing model.
Researched & purchased necessary parts to assemble a functional prototype with 0.1% specificity.
Identified & analyzed potential damping conditions in MATLAB to increase device sensitivity by 20%.
Research Assistant
Dr. Ross’s Biological & Soft Matter Research Lab
June - August 2018
Developed MATLAB code to measure the movement of microtubules (MT) with 0.1% accuracy.
Produced code in R which identified that high-salt MTs are 200% more flexible than low-salt MTs.
Biomedical Design Engineer Mentee
Depuy Synthes Spine, Inc. - A Johnson & Johnson Company
September 2015 - May 2016
Created and designed new devices and modifications to current devices on various CAD systems.
Collaborated with test engineers to evaluate product safety under various conditions in AutoCAD.
Corresponded with the FDA weekly to ensure devices met regulatory requirements.